Welcome to St Michael's

Welcome to our Creation focus in the Trinity Season -  everyone is very welcome to join us
You can worship with us onsite or online - it's fully participatory for everyone
Onsite find us at the bottom of Jack Straw's Lane on the corner with Marston Road OX3 0JA
Do get in touch using the Contact tab above 
Donations: see foot of this Home Page or use Info tab above to find Stewardship section
Find our latest postings on Facebook (link to the left)
and on our You Tube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdry9xmw-k0XSHumOckD1w  
Subscribe to our newsletter for all the news and more: please use the Contact tab above



Sundays in the Trinity Season

10 am Sung Eucharist join us each week onsite or online for Prayers, Bible readings, Sermon, singing, devotions and Holy Communion

  • Each Wednesday the weekly 11am Said Communion service will be celebrated in the Lady Chapel
  • Each Thursday at 3pm there will be tea and social time in the Hall next to the church
  • The Friday Keep Fit will take place every Friday at 10.30 am in the Hall next to the church


St Michael's 2024:

  • Our Licensed Ministry Team consists of Elaine Bardwell our Vicar, Dr Rob Gilbert our Assistant Priest and Dr Alison Salvesen our Licensed Lay Minister. In addition we have our authorised lay preachers: Dr Grant Vallance, Tony Phelan. You can hear our Sunday sermons here on You Tube: 


  • Sundays: you can attend the main 10am service online or onsite. Online you can participate fully in the worship and talk to others. Onsite some Covid measures still apply but you can receive Holy Communion. Online or onsite you would be very welcome to join us. Send us a message using the Contact tab above.
  • Keeping everyone safe - we still have some of our anti Covid-19 arrangements in place: such as Signing the Peace and no common cup. See blog updated on 5th June 2022 for more details.
  • Marston Meet Up  we have a social space every Thursday afternoon - join us for tea and chat
  • Holy Communion: If anyone would like Communion at Home please use the Contact tab above. The Vicar is able to provide Communion for you in a Covid secure way on request.
  • Inclusive Church: we are formally affiliated to the Inclusive Church Network - if you scroll to the bottom of this page you will find the logo - click on this and it will take you to a new website providing more details about this.
  • We have a resource for praying for the Departed which can be downloaded by clicking here.
  • We have a section on how to donate to St Michael's. Use the Info tab above and you will find the entry on Stewardship and a big thank you to all those who support what we do. This has enabled us to carry on developing new ways of supporting and serving one another and our wider community as emerge from the pandemic.  Bank Transfer information : PCC St Michael & All Angels; Account 50620734; Sort Code 20-65-21.